Sunday 22 March 2009

Watch this space

I have been watching with interest the hubbub over Google's Street View here in the UK. Although people probably don't want to be caught walking out of a sex shop in west london at the minute the car-with-a-pole goes by, there is surely a devoted band of people out there trying to make as many appearances as they possibly can.

I noticed that another piece of Google technology - Google Earth - had been used for two very different reasons in the news this week. One was the story of how Google Earth had allowed observers to identify a large scale archaeological feature under the sea off the coast of England (read it here).

The other story was about how a man convicted of metal theft confessed to how he had used Google Earth to identify buildings with large amounts of lead on their roof (read it here).

As if this wasn't enough, you can now play a game on Google StreetView - well, sort of. It has now become fashionable to post sightings of Wally from Where's Wally onto the web. You'll find a sighting here.