Wednesday 3 December 2008

Plants have feelings too....

If you feel like you need to get away for a while, but are concerned about your little plant friend and its state of moistness, you can use this Twitter Plant Watering reminder kit.

I guess I might be cynical, but is this really that useful? If I am away long enough that my plants are going to dry out, I'm probably on holiday and
  1. don't care
  2. probably have someone (a relative) coming into the house to water my plants and feed the animals.
If I'm not away long, then the plants will get watered regularly by me, or start to look a bit brown, at which point I'll notice and water them.

Do you really want to be harangued by the very lack of moisture in a small bit of soil around your plant while dining on the veranda of an expensive hotel?

For those who just bumble around waiting for technology to warn them of every little thing that is happening, then this is another gadget for you. It will detach you from the love and care you give to your beloved pot plants (if you're the green fingered type), or it will nag you wherever you are about your dead plant (even if you don't really give a monkey's).


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